Complaints & disputes

Zorg van Nick always strives for good quality care. Respect, individuality and open communication play a major role in this. However, there is always a possibility that someone may be dissatisfied with my provided care or services. Here you can submit a complaint or comment to me directly by just filling out the form on the right.


Zorg van Nick also has a patient advisor. Suzanne Wallage can be contacted by patients of Zorg van Nick for complaints you do not want to talk about with me directly. Suzanne can be contacted by email address




Do you have a comment or complaint? You can contact me directly using the form below.

Should you nevertheless not reach an agreement with me or the patient counselor? Zorg van Nick is affiliated with SoloPartners. You can contact them directly via and you can submit your complaint again. At the bottom of the page you will find flow charts and the complaints procedure regarding submitting a complaint.

Please note: You are not able to file the same complaint against a healthcare provider if that complaint has already been submitted regarding the same problem to a court or other authority for decision. This can be, for example, a medical disciplinary tribunal, the municipality or the National Ombudsman in the case of care that falls under the Social Support Act (WMO). If you are unsure whether the body to which you have submitted the complaint falls under this exclusion, you can always ask.

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